寶寶落單哭不停!樹懶媽「用最快速度」爬下樹 母子團圓眼神充滿愛:謝謝你們

聯合新聞網 綜合報導

最近在哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)的曼薩尼約國家公園(Manzanillo National Park),有工作人員在森林裡的地上發現一隻嚎啕大哭的落單小樹懶。然而想在茂密的森林裡要找到樹懶媽媽並不容易,救援組織於是拿起擴音器撥放小樹懶的叫聲,過沒多久真的看到樹懶媽媽以「最快的速度」趕到,母子順利重逢的畫面感動許多人。

捷豹救援中心(Jaguar Rescue Center)於社群平台發文,他們接到來自曼薩尼約國家公園的電話,對方表示在地上發現一隻正在哭泣的小樹懶,需要有人協助救援並且做進一步檢查。幸運的是這隻小樹懶身體相當健康,身體並沒有受到任何傷害。棘手的問題反而是該如何讓小樹懶找到媽媽。


We are so excited to announce that we were able to reunite this mother and baby 3-fingered sloths (Bradypus variegatus).🦥 On October 10, we received a call from Manzanillo National Park letting us know that they found a baby crying on the floor. We went to his rescue and brought him for a check-up with the vet. Fortunately, he was healthy and didn't have any injuries. The next day, our team went back to the park with the baby and played his cry on a speaker near the place where he was found. After a while, we spotted a sloth reacting to the sound a few meters away. It took around an hour to make the mom come down, but, finally, she did it. It fills our hearts with love every time we reunite a mom and her baby. #sloth #babysloth #momsloth #slothoftiktok #sloths #3finguersloth #foryou #parati #viral #cutesloth #jaguarrescuecenter #wildlife #costarica

♬ Here Comes the Sun - Relaxing Instrumental Music

救援團隊靈機一動表示,由於每一隻樹懶寶寶的叫聲並不一樣,母親會藉著聲音認出自己的寶寶並有所反應。於是他們拿起「擴音器」在森林裡播放小樹懶的哭聲,過了一陣子真的發現數公尺外的一隻三指樹懶(3-fingered sloths)有了回應,大約花了一個小時以「最快的速度」趕到小寶寶的所在位置。



