「粉紅色長尾怪」躺花園哀嚎找媽媽 專家到場一看傻眼:怎會掉在這?

聯合新聞網 綜合報導
澳洲一名建築工人發現草地上躺著一隻粉紅色的袋鼠寶寶。圖擷自《The Dodo》

根據《The Dodo》報導,澳洲一名建築工人最近在施工的時候,看到草地上躺著粉紅色的物體並發出奇怪的聲音,走近一看才發現是一種像狗的不知名生物。當地動物收容所獲報後抵達現場,確認這隻小寶寶是剛出生不久的小袋鼠,特別的叫聲令人印象深刻。

報導指出,該名工人當時在花園一間兩層樓高的建築工作,遠遠看到草地上有個粉紅色的不明物體。當他想走近一探究竟,還聽到一種奇怪的叫聲。動物收容所「Our Haven Wildlife Shelter」獲報後派志工前往現場,確認這隻小寶寶其實是一隻小袋鼠,正在發出聲音尋找媽媽,但依然不知道牠的母親究竟去了哪裡。


What does a baby kangaroo sound like? 🦘 Baby kangaroos generally make two types of sounds, this sound here is usually made when a baby joey is calling out for his Mumma. Sadly we hear this heartbreaking call after they are rescued for a few days as they just don’t understand what’s happened & they miss their Mother’s terribly.💔 In this case he is calling out to me for confort and his bottle, as I’ve now taken on that roll. ♥️ The other call or sound is a short clicking, which usually means stay away or danger is nearby.♥️ You can help us support these orphans by heading to the link in our bio 💚#kangaroosoftiktok #babykangaroo #wildlife #cutebabyanimals #rescuedanimals #kangaroo #animallove

♬ Beautiful Memories - Lux-Inspira

根據「BBC野生動物雜誌」(BBC Wildlife Magazine)介紹,剛出生六個月內的小袋鼠都生活在母親的育兒袋中,這段期間幾乎依靠媽媽提供食物及保暖,一但離開育兒袋太久可能會是個大麻煩。



