飼主堅持安樂死!18歲老狗「縮腳邊不敢動」 回汪星前一刻遇貴人現況曝光

聯合新聞網 綜合報導

美國北卡羅來納州(North Carolina)一隻18歲老狗被飼主帶到收容所準備安樂死,這時有名動物志工眼見狗狗依偎在主人腳邊,不忍心就這麼送狗狗回汪星,決定自己收編掏錢治療。當年差點鬼門關前走一遭的汪星人如今迎來19歲生日,短短一年間的變化讓網友全都紅了眼眶。

綜合《Newsweek》等外媒報導,動保志工「克麗絲·埃爾德」(Chrissy Elder)在一年多前因公拜訪當地的動物收容所,當天他正好看到一名飼主帶著18歲的狗狗「西摩」(Seymour)進到所內,要求工作人員協助替狗狗執行安樂死。克麗絲發現西摩看起來相當害怕,緊靠著主人的腿不肯離開。西摩的臉上則有個大大的腫瘤,因為腐爛不時散發出難聞的氣味。


I can’t believe today marks 1 year with you. January 11th last year I watched your owner dragging you toward the shelter door. Your old legs couldn’t keep up and you were so confused clinging to who you thought was your person . The rotting skin and tumors smelled so bad you actually were clearing out the lobby area.There was no way I would let your old bones go lay on that floor to die alone. I was only at the shelter to help my friend finish up our other intakes we were taking from that shelter quickly. I was there just at the right moment and our hearts were absolutely meant to be. You could hardly walk and your face was infected from the growths being untreated. I will never forget your face looking up at me while I was kicking off my favorite heels in the parking lot because your big self couldn’t walk any further - I had to carry you. You stared at me like what are you even doing? you look crazy- no way you can carry me .. You had no clue the amount of times I would carry you over the next year. The vets told me maybe even only a few days but removing those masses was only way to make you comfy.. so we did it. I brought you home and promised to show you all the things I wish you had before. My mission to save your heart started … little did I know you would save me instead. Pappy seymour this year has been the biggest gift to me. You have become the face that greets me every time I get home. You wait for me like I am your whole world. We became best friends. I so badly longed to have holidays and celebrate with you. I prayed about it a lot. I can’t believe we have now had them all. My prayers were answered. Today marks 1 full year. We have done it all. You celebrated every one of our family birthdays stealing bites of cake always , you dressed up with the kids for Halloween, we snuggled by the Christmas tree with cookies. Every single moment this year you have made my life so much better. I am yours and you are mine. Best friends forever. Here’s to a year seymour ❤️ I pray for so many more memories. I ask today if everyone could donate $1 in honor of his 1 year to help our rescue. 💰Venmo:‘forgottennowfamily 💰PayPal: Forgottennowfamily@gmail.com #hospice #fosteringsaveslives #myguy #youandme #dontbullymybreed❤ #pittiesoftiktok #forgottennowfamilyrescue

♬ You and Me - Eldar Kedem





Pappy Seymour put back on his valentines robe and has his most favorite cookie snackies. we celebrated him being the best boy and my valentine ❤️ Happy valentines day from us - love chrissy & seymour #hospice #fosteringsaveslives #pittiesoftiktok #foster #rescue #shelterdog #myheart #myvalentine #myguy

♬ original sound - Chrissy

收容所 安樂死

