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Tiktok一名女網友華茲奎斯(Victoria Vazquez)日前貼出一段影片,一隻名叫庫柏(Cooper)的米格魯總是面露愁容,比起一般的狗狗來說幾乎沒見過牠笑,原因竟是因為已經步入狗生中年、現年9歲的牠儘管多次與新飼主媒合成功,卻因各種原因屢遭退養,如今已經被退養第7次,狗狗知道自己得到一個新家後又會馬上失去,難過的再也不笑出來。




8 months… Eight months of trying to find Cooper a forever home. We just got our 6th formal no today. The message isn’t included with all do these cause I’m having a hard time even reading it. It was the best meet & greet he’s had. He cuddled, licked her, settled down quickly, took a nap, and she even got my hopes up. Talked about how amazing her yard is, how they’re home all the time, how her other dog is so great. I can’t stop crying. My heart breaks for him and I can’t understand why nobody wants him!? They apply for him and meet with him. But, they never go through with it. There has to be someone out there who wants to open their home to a senior. He’s so sweet, so cuddly, and of course he has his quirks like any other dog but, it’s what makes him HIM. Tired of the no’s and the let downs. I’m just glad that he doesn’t know about the rejection... he’s had enough of that in his life already. Sorry for the rant. I’m just so tired of potential adopters breaking my heart but, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? And it’s definitely making me stronger for the long haul of working in animal welfare. I’ll forever be a voice for the voiceless. #AdoptableDog #SeniorDogs #Rescue #DogRescue #SeniorDogRescue #SeniorDogsOfInstagram #DogsOfTiktok #VoiceForTheVoiceless #AnimalWelfare #DogMom #FosterMom #DogFosterMom

♬ original sound - 𝑛𝑒̀𝑙𝑙𝑎ଓ

狗狗 米格魯

