靈犬學會所有《哈利波特》咒語!聽到索命咒當場裝死 網全看傻:霍格華茲高材生

聯合新聞網 綜合報導
一隻拉不拉多貴賓犬竟然完全聽得懂知名奇幻作品《哈利波特》裡面的所有咒語,聽到咒語就會做出相對應的動作,讓不少網友驚呼「原來奇獸真的存在」。 (圖/取自影片)


Tiktok上有一隻名叫多比(Dobby)的拉布拉多貴賓犬(Labradoodle)聰明異常,牠完全聽得懂知名奇幻作品《哈利波特》一書中所有的咒語,當飼主對牠說出咒語後,牠便會做出相對應的動作,像是飼主對牠說「嘶嘶退(Relashio)」多比就會立刻往後退、說出索命咒「阿哇呾喀呾啦(Avada Kedavra)」就會當場裝死。

更令人驚訝的是,飼主對多比說「去阿茲卡班(Go to Azkaban)」牠立刻明白這是回到狗籠內的意思,完全聽懂咒語的聰明模樣讓幾千萬名網友看呆。多比能聽懂哈利波特咒語的影片在網路上掀起熱議,網友留言表示「這根本就是奇獸了吧」、「其實飼主根本不是哈利波特而是紐特斯卡曼德」。


So if Dobby responds to Harry Potter spells, does that make him a wizard? Or does that make me a witch casting spells on my muggle dog? 🤔 I knew long before Dobby came along that I would train my future dog with Harry Potter spells instead of regular commands. I love feeling like I have real life magical powers everytime I ask him to come, stay, or play dead 🪄 Some fun facts about our spells: 🪄 Accio (come / recall) was the first spell Dobby learned at 11 weeks old, and Liam was actually the one to teach Dobby to Accio! 🪄 Protego was supposed to be "leave it", but the words "leave it" come screaming out of my mouth much more naturally when Dobby tries to eat garbage on our walks, so we changed Protego to tuck 🪄 We tried Petrificus Totalus for stay, but it was too much of a mouthful for a command that's used frequently, so we opted for Immobulus instead (we're now working on Petrificus Totalus for "sit pretty") 🪄 Avada Kedavra is the most requested spell by people we meet out in the world who learn that Dobby know Harry Potter commands 🪄 Go to Azkaban is my personal favourite - it makes me laugh every night to send him to Azkaban and see him happily trot into his crate! 🪄 Ascendio and Descendo also mean jump up / jump down 🪄 Stupefy is the spell we use most often on a daily basis What other spells should Dobby learn at Dogwarts this year? #harrypottertiktok #harrypottertok #harrypotter #harrypotterdog #dogwarts #harrypotterspells #accio #expelliarmus #avadakedavra #azkaban #yerawizard #dogtok #dogtraining #trainyourdog #tricktraining

♬ Harry's Wondrous World (Theme from Harry Potter) - John Williams & Synchron Stage Orchestra & Wizarding World


