歪嘴鬥牛犬「被嫌長太可怕」沒人想養 收容所曝光身世跪求大家收編:牠很努力了

聯合新聞網 綜合報導

美國加州一間動物收容所「Cage to Couch」近日在社群平台抖音上傳了一則影片,分享機構內有隻鬥牛犬因為天生面部畸形以及天生許多身體疾病的關係,總是找不到願意領養的家庭,目前還在努力接受治療的狗狗也正在耐心等待收養人出現。



Luna…always with the questions☺️ You can vote for Luna for #americasfavoritepet Voting is free! Winner will be on the cover of Modern Dog magazine and $10K … Luna will be gaving surgery to repair a hole in her palate. Surgery estimate is $11K so winning would sure be great!! Link to vote in comments!! . . #slightlyaskew #pittiepuppy #pittietok #cagetocouch #soulmate #whatsasoulmate

♬ Whats a soulmate - csbyeol

收容所發言人「派爾」(Mary Pryor)接受外媒採訪時表示,露娜在僅七週大時就被送往收容所,當時她頭骨、下巴骨折,原本在當天就被安排接受安樂死,但機構最後仍決定收留照顧治療。因為面部畸形的關係,露娜還有著呼吸困難的問題,由於不知道怎麼用嘴巴呼吸,露娜無法進食而經常暈倒,甚至需要在睡覺的時候有人將手指放入並撐開牠的嘴巴才能感到安心。


There’s always next time!! THANK YOU💗💗💗 . . #pittiepuppy #luna #rescuepuppy #pittietok #soulmate #whatsasoulmate #slightlyaskew #cagetocouch

♬ original sound - Cage to Couch


You ARE pretty, Luna!💗 You can vote for Luna for Amerca’s Favorite. The winner will be on the cover if Modern Dog magazine and win $10K. Luna has surgery to repair her cleft palate she has from her fractured skull injury. Estimate is $11K so she coukd really use the win!! Vote at https://americasfavpet.com/2024/luna-f65c Link is on our IG bio! . . #prettyannoying #rescuepuppy #puppytok #puppiesoftiktok #pittiesoftiktok #pittiepuppy #cagetocouch #lunaelizabeth #luna

♬ original sound - Cage to Couch


流浪狗 鬥牛犬

