杜賓服務犬遇「緊急狀況」!主人面前無聲求救 他跟過去見一幕笑了:快幫本汪拿

聯合新聞網 綜合報導




Hes such a clever dog hes taught himself to get help when he cant do something himself #servicedog #servicedogs #dogswithjobs #doberman #dobermanpinscher #medicalalertdog #servicedoglife #funnydog #dogsoftiktok

♬ Monkeyshine-JP - Lt FitzGibbons Men




Tobias is a medical alert dog who is trained to smell the chemical changes in my body in relation to my contortion , which is called Dysautonomia (POTs). This is a dysfunction of the nervous system which controls non voluntary body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, gastrointestinal function, urinary system and even breathing and temperature regulation. What he’s alerting to is an elevation in heart rate , followed by a sudden drop in heart rate which causes a drop in blood pressure which can cause fainting. He’s a very good boy! These clips were captured over the course of two years- while he alerts frequently, i am normally more focused on preparing for an episode then i am recording , so getting something on camera is a rare treat. But now that we are doing more free hand recordings , i should catch more ! #doberman #dobermans #servicedog #servicedogs #dogsoftiktok #funnydogs #dogswithjobs #medicalalertdog #dobermanpinscher #chronicallyill

♬ original sound - Happy Escobar


