「1000天無人領養的狗」睡前撒嬌討摸 溫馨畫面背後藏收容所悲歌

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影片裡與人員溫馨互動的狗狗,獨自睡在收容所狗籠裡的日子已經超過兩年。圖/The Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach、Res...

影片中是RescueMeATL成員去探訪南卡羅來納州一處動物保護所The Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach,當時工作人員正在撫摸所裡的一隻狗狗「Punkin」,這是Punkin每天晚上進狗籠睡覺前與照顧員的儀式,然而看似甜蜜的畫面其實隱藏著心酸。


Punkin is the longest resident at North Myrtle Beach Humane Society and no one knows how she does it 💔 Almost 1000 days in the shelter. She thinks the staff and volunteers are her family because she’s been here as a puppy an doesn’t remember life before. There’s NOTHING wrong with her. She’s just undersocialized since she’s lived here since she was 6 months old. She thinks this is what life is. She has NEVER fallen asleep on a couch next to her favorite person. She’s never heard a “good morning.” She’s never gotten table scraps. She’s never road in a car with the windows down. She’s never been told she’s the best girl. She’s never had a basket of toys all for herself. She’s never had her own blanket. She’s never had anyone to tuck her in at night. Her good night is the sound of dogs crying and a cold metal door closing. Punkin is smart, she’s playful, and she’s loyal— she acts like a shepherd. The greatest tragedy— We think she could be someone’s heart dog that has never been seen. Punkin is in NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC at North Myrtle Beach Humane Society. If you want to meet her please call 843-249-4948, or just go visit her 🩷 Application: [LINK IN BIO] #fyp #foryou #dog #shelterdog #adoptdontshop #adoption #viral #adoptme #explorepage #myrtlebeach #nmb #southcarolina

♬ orlando x kilu youre everything - Orlando


Punkin性格熱情愛玩,長期待在收容所的牠需要認養人耐心陪伴牠認識外面的世界。圖/The Humane Society of North Myrtle Bea...



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