屁貓反鎖浴室「鏡頭前嘲諷」快把主人逼瘋 貓奴苦戰1小時結局曝光
受害貓奴朱莉(Julie Balko)表示,當時浴室門並不是以正常的方式被鎖住,她很想知道門後到底發生什麼事。她掏出手機往下方的門縫塞,透過前鏡頭看到原來是兩隻屁貓惹的禍。牠們似乎是有計畫性的打開離門最近的抽屜,藉此把門卡死,讓外面的貓奴進不了浴室。
Action shot of kittens actively not helping. Hinges of door are inside so can’t take it off. I’m cursing outside. pic.twitter.com/ggAKL8Lay5
— misplaced comma or Julee Balko when I’m an author (@misplacedcomma2) July 9, 2022
Under door shot progress. Cat is now in the drawer which does not help. pic.twitter.com/bPXtYq4Xsp
— misplaced comma or Julee Balko when I’m an author (@misplacedcomma2) July 9, 2022
After an hour of bending hangers, tools, sticks, weird shaped pliers, and basically anything we could shove through the crack of the door we successfully got the drawer closed and door open. Cats were disappointed the game was over. Humans were happy and taped the drawers shut.
— misplaced comma or Julee Balko when I’m an author (@misplacedcomma2) July 10, 2022